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The process of launching a website can be a daunting endeavor. There are many things you want to do, but not enough time and resources to do them. However, even though it might seem like a herculean task, as long as you keep some fundamental things in mind, you can ensure a hassle-free website launch.

In this article, we’ll share with you some tips for launching a website based on the experience of our own launch of Design Instruct. Read on to learn how to launch a website.

1. Have scalable web server resources

With today’s high-availability and cost-effective content distribution solutions such as Amazon S3, and on-demand instant scalability offerings of hosting providers such as VPS. NET, you can affordably have web servers that can take a beating from high-burst traffic. Not only will having scalable solutions prepare you for the high-traffic that a website launch can generate, but it also future-proof’s your set-up as your website grows. High-availability, metered set-ups give you the ability to pay for just the resources you need right now.

For Design Instruct, we set up a CDN for distributing static files for our content-heavy pages, and scaled up our VPS resources temporarily on the day of the site launch because we were anticipating a huge burst of traffic. Regardless of how big or small you think the traffic you’ll get is, it’s never a bad idea to get a web hosting solution that will scale—they’re tremendously affordable, and you pay only for what you intend to use. Don’t risk having your website crash and your launch day ruined because of a shoddy web server.

2. Get all of your social media accounts beforehand

Nowadays, social networking is integral to a website. Don’t wait the last minute to sign up and set up your social network accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and any other site that you’re planning to engage in. This guarantees that your preferred account name will be available before you become known and gives your visitors additional ways to communicate with as soon as they arrive at your website.

On Design Instruct, our social media accounts were established well before the site’s launch date. For example, we will had our Twitter account set up close to a month ahead of our site launch.

3. Have content ready to publish for at least a month

The early stages of a website is filled with many tasks. One timesaving deed you can do is to have content ready to publish so that you can follow up your launch with great content. This also frees you up for the many other activities involved in this stage of your website’s growth.

For Design Instruct, we will discuss before we launched the site. We didn’t quite make that goal before our launch date, though we had enough to comfortably go ahead with the launch. This enabled us to focus on tasks that needed to be tended to without fear that we wouldn’t have great content to publish.

4. Drop hints about the upcoming launch to build anticipation

Let people know that there’s an event that’s going to occur to help create some hype. If you want to keep the details undisclosed to the public—that’s fine—you can still let people know that something on some date is going to happen.

In Design Instruct’s case, we wanted to wait until the actual launch before revealing what the site was.

That didn’t prevent us from dropping hints that there was something coming soon. We did it through interviews and on Twitter a month ahead of the actual launch date. This type of subtle hinting can pique the interests of your long-time supporters and fans.

And those are the people that count the most when your website launches.

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