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1. Design Problems

Here’s a list of design problems that developers must avoid.

Unclear Font Creates Confusion

Most users have trouble deciphering handwritten scripts, symbols, and cursive fonts. How can site visitors learn anything if the font is unreadable? Clear fonts are used because people value readability and comprehension.


Don’t use unreadable fonts if you can help it. Make sure your website is easy to use for everyone who visits it.

Too Many Fonts Distract Visitors

It is difficult to keep straight what is being said when there are too many font sizes and styles in use. The presentation sidetracks the visitor from the main message. It serves the same purpose as a visual roadblock in that it distracts the viewer. It is possible to drown put the attraction of even the most well-designed website by using too many fonts frequently has a negative impact on mental agility.


Always keep the adage “less is more” in more when working on a design. Too many fonts will make your site look cluttered, and nobody wants that.

There are occasions when only little adjustments can distinguish your website from an amateur one. It is easy to improve your website’s aesthetic with the help of the correct typeface. If you want your website to look professional, stick to no more than four fonts total.

Poor Kerning, Tracking, & Leading

Among the various types of spacing used in typesetting, kerning refers to the space between individual letters, tracking to the space between individual words and phrases, and leading to the space between individual lines of text. Because of these circumstances, your site’s readers will have a more difficult time deciphering your intended meaning. If you do not take the time to proofread your website for typos, you risk losing reader and even losing the business.

Here’s an example!

What a percentage of French Facebook ads do you not understand? No! No matter how hard you try, if you do not know French, you will not get the gist of the message. You might say the same thing about kerning, tracking, and leading.


The kerning can wait until you have gotten the tracking and leading correct. Why? For the reason that tracking defines the overall group and letter spacing. Make the visual distance between each letter consistent, and play around with other options. Relax your restrictions!

Imbalanced Colors

The psychological impact of a website color scheme might be subtle or blatant, depending on how it is employed. A homepage will look horrifying if it has horrible colors and had a bad logo.

Things are progressing at a lightning pace in the digital age. It is common knowledge that professionally designed websites do not come cheap. But have you ever stopped to consider how much money you could be losing with a subpar site? Give it some thought! Trying to save money by skimping on quality will not work. You need to locate the optimal answer.


Understand your audience’s wants and expectations before attempting to modernise your website, or you risk complete failure. One of the most common causes of unsuccessful web design is a lack of attention to color harmony.

Verify that the website’s color scheme does not interfere with its legibility. Moreover, use colors that are consistent with one another and with the overall theme. Do not paint the webpage with a rosy hue. Make a commitment to a limited color scheme of three to five colors. Make sure you tailor the look and feel of your site to your target demographic.

Use of Whitespace

The most common pitfall of using a minimalist approach to web design is an ineffective utilisation of white space. Using white space effectively helps convey your message, but if you use too much, your audience may become distracted.

If used properly, white space can enhance understanding, readability, focus, and clarity. When there is not enough breathing room between paragraphs, readers may become overwhelmed. Here is an in-depth look at how Google employs white space to direct users’ attention where it is needed most: the content.


Investigate the function of white space in website development, and then make a judgement on whether or not to reduce it. Utilize white space effectively to lessen the probability of confusion for site visitors. Help your site’s visitors locate what they are seeking for by keeping their attention on the central message.

Unclear Images

Have you ever heard the expression, “Don’t waste your first impression”? You better believe it!

The image that appears when a person clicks on your site’s URL is the first thing they will see. One of the most common issues in site design that prevents effective connection with users is the use of low quality, abstract, or irrelevant graphics.

While it is true that investing in high-quality photographs for your website is expensive, consider the alternative. Consider the return on investment of hiring a professional photographer for your site instead of worrying about every cent you spend. True story: Money well spent on a professional photographer.


You should choose high-quality photographs that fit the website’s color scheme and that enhances the site’s content and purpose.

Generic Stock Photos Erodes Visitors Trust

The usage of tacky stock photographs can have a devastating effect on the speed and usability of a website. Using stock images on your website is a certain way to lose the attention of your audience and dilute the message you are trying to send. The right stock photo can give your writing new depth. In contrast to stock images, which confuse rather than clarify, your own images will help readers fully grasp your meaning.


Always use original photos on your website. If you do not have the means to create custom graphics, standard images will do; but, you will need to tell a story to satisfy your audience. However, avoid adding non-related pictures. It is pointless to store and display an unnecessary picture.

One more careless method is to use Google photos. Use free stock photo sources like Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pexels to avoid potential legal trouble.


Let’s examine some marketing blunders that can have devastating effects.

Too Many Pop Ups

It is a big no-no to have windows that spring up and cover the whole screen.They are the last to load and obstruct the user’s view. There will be an increase in bounce rate at first because users will have to take an active step to return to the content.

Pop-ups might hurt your website’s reputation since users may view them as spam. Pop-up windows are annoying, especially on mobile devices, and Google may even punish your site if it has too many.


For mobile user’s sake, turn off pop-ups. Google may punish you otherwise. Pop-ups can be effective, but only if they provide real value to the user. Give users a chance to read your page and make sure the message makes sense with the content before you block it. Find the sweet spot between conversion rates and user experience when tuning your pop-ups.

Poor Sizing & Missing Metadata

The lack of confidence is exacerbated by visuals that are stretched or poorly proportioned. In addition, delayed page loading brought on by big picture sizes encourage users to leave the site.

Consider the information as well. Search engines aren’t helped by filenames like “DSLR001114.jpg.” Consequently, pick the right metadata with caution.


Common image formats like PNG, JPEG, and GIF can make your work with images much easier. Eliminating metadata and replacing it with descriptive material is preferable from a user and search engine perspective.

Image search engine optimization is one of the most unappreciated tactics, despite it’s obvious success.

With this on-page SEO tactic, you may provide search engines more specific about an image, which can improve how well they are able to crawl your site. They improve your search engine rankings and get your image into Google’s image search results.

Unclear Objective

In a few seconds, a website visitor should know exactly what the website is about. If users are confused about the site’s objective, they are less likely to return.


Check to see whether the website is accomplishing its intended goals if the calls to actin are easy to find, and if the design features are enhancing the site’s purpose rather than undermining it.

Badly Integrated

Promoting your company on multiple social media networks is a great way to increase traffic and user involvement. Therefore, it may appear to be a good idea to use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Yet, you need to be creative. Can you captivate the visitor if there are no 5-star reviews of your website? If it fails to connect for whatever reason, you may miss out on valuable leads and chances.


Promote your website by showcasing your trustworthy clientele. Increasing your efforts and getting the world out is the best way to get more people involved.

Let us take a look at the issues with website design and how they can be fixed from the point of view of the projects.

Lowering the Design Standards

Having too many people with say in the matter can be disastrous. The standards of design are lowered as a result of disagreements, comparisons of tastes, and negotiations. How can the project committee expect to succeed if they disregard the advice of specialists? Very unlikely to happen.


Instead of compromising quality, choose a project team with experience in digital design. Experts in finding solutions, such as user experience researchers, branding experts, and marketers, work hard to earn the confidence of the people making decisions.

Late Feedback Causes Disruption

Projects can take unexpected turns because key stakeholders demand change. It could be disastrous to bring them in at the end of the project. They could reject designs or question the premises, causing you to start from scratch and waste more time and money.


Explain to those participating in the project what needs to be done to ensure its success and why key decision-makers need to be involved from the start. If the stakeholders can’t make a long-term commitment, have them name other decision-makers.

Poor Input

Stakeholders often fail to consider alternative approaches and instead insist on recreating just their own mental picture of the desired design. It’s a really beginner move to do this. Stakeholders who refuse to budge from their preconceived notions signal a lack of faith in the design team’s expertise and an assumption that they would be unable to solve or narrow in on the problem’s central aspects.


Talk to the people who have a stake in the outcome of the decision in an open forum and agree on a plan for making decisions in advance. For time and energy savings, involve stakeholders before the first design presentation.

‘Perfection’ Sometimes Leads To Failure

Aiming for perfection can set a stakeholder up for disappointment. Everything about the pursuit of perfection can be detrimental to a website design project, from arbitrary decision making to excessive attention to detail. Making anything “perfect” might be difficult as well. Many times, the decision-making process is derailed, and the end result is based less on what is best for the company, its customers, and its sales process as a whole, and more on the preferences of a single person at a given moment.


Prioritize quantifiable outcomes and meeting user demands over striving for “perfection” at every stage of the buyer’s journey to ensure buy-in from all parties involved.


These tech mistakes can slash your sales away!

Not Responding to Questions & Poor Search

If a website can’t or won’t answer a visitor’s question, it’s likely to lose that visitor forever. Among the most common concerns of your site visitors will be how to get in touch with you. Exactly how much does something cost? Specifically, I’d like to know more about your shipping and personal information policies. Exactly where are you situated? People who visit your website want you to respond to their inquiries, so be ready to do so. Where should I start? Look, I’ve got the answer right here!


An excellent internal search system accounts for typos, plurals, hyphens, and variants on keywords. Web users, especially those shopping online, rely on search to quickly locate the products they need. If a search function is required on your site, make sure that it returns the most pertinent results for each search.

Slow Website & Server Response Time

A web page that takes longer than 4 seconds to load is too slow. Seventy percent of webpages, according to a recent assessment by Google, take seven seconds or longer to load. Findings from the survey also revealed that users are more inclined to leave a site if it takes too long to load. And since page speed also has a substantial effect on your rating, a slow site is doubly likely to drive users away. You will get a lower ranking because of this, Google confirms.

It seems to take forever to go anywhere on some websites. Website response time is another factor that can cause problems. If your server is taking a long time to respond, there may be a problem with its performance. Even if you’ve done everything possible to make your web pages load quickly, a sluggish server response time will still slow down your entire website.


If you want to improve the speed and efficiency of your website, read on! Pick a web host that you can trust. You can eliminate the slow performance by upgrading your hosting plan. As another useful method, caching can reduce the amount of time it takes for a server to respond to a request. Keep your server optimised to cut down on downtime.

No File Compression & Browser Caching

There is a great deal of unnecessary data stored in image files. Image compression gets rid of this extraneous information while still preserving the original picture’s quality, allowing for a smaller file size while maintaining the same level of detail. When browser caching is turned on, web pages load more quickly. The first step in caching is downloading files and assets, after which the information is saved on a local disc. Finding what you need on your hard drive is far quicker than finding it on a web server.


To lessen the load on your network, turn on compression. If you want your data transferred quickly, minimise their size. Second, if you want to save time for repeat visitors to your website, you can enable browser caching for static resources.

Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

We can all see that mobile devices are quickly replacing desktop ones. It’s highly probable that the viewer will be using a mobile device with a small screen resolution. If your site is not optimised for mobile use, you should expect fewer visitors from Google and lower rankings.


It’s crucial to have a mobile-friendly design for both search engine rankings and page load times. Make sure your site displays properly on a mobile device and that users can easily navigate to other information sources.


Your website’s navigation structure is crucial. Fix these navigation issues to improve the user experience.

When Navigation Becomes ‘Complication’

Site navigation relies on a few key pages, and those pages should be laid out in a way that makes it easy for users to get the information they need. As a result of trying to show everything at once, designers frequently make the menu too confusing, making it harder for users to discover what they’re looking for.

When users are trying to get information, they don’t want to spend hours trying to figure out how to navigate the site. As a result, people give up on the site and go elsewhere. Conversion-killing distractions include anything that blinks or movements while visitors are looking for information.


Users will leave your website if it does not have a search bar or navigation menu. Breadcrumb navigation is a good option if your website has a large number of pages, as it helps visitors get back to the homepage. It not only enhances the discoverability of website parts and pages, but it also decreases the number of clicks a visitor must make to reach a higher-level page. It’s a fantastic way to provide context for landing pages by providing a visual representation of the user’s position in the site’s hierarchy.

No Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are like arrows that lead you back to where you started from. The number of clicks it takes to return to the homepage is shown by the breadcrumbs’ hierarchical structure.

Breadcrumb navigation improves your site’s usability and is hence one of the most common ways of navigating, yet designers often fail to take it into account and treat it as an afterthought.

The following explains why using breadcrumbs will solve all your navigation issues:


Breadcrumbs are a great way to keep track of your visitors. Breadcrumbs are an excellent tool for easing confusion and keeping visitors satisfied. They are focused on providing a positive user experience and clearly indicate to guests how to leave the premises. In a nutshell, they perform similarly to other elements of the interface.

If you provide visitors more options for exploring your site, rather than just sending them back to Google, your bounce rate should go down. When a user clicks on a link within a breadcrumb, they will be taken back to the previous page, where they may easily continue navigating the site.

Missing Hover Effect

What could be more frustrating than being unable to move past a single page for what seems like an eternity? No one wants to accidentally keep returning to the wrong page. The hover effect guides their mouse to the correct button. A common way that people filter out content is by the colour of their clicked links. How will they remember which link they clicked on before if the colour doesn’t alter? Putting up a wall is just another way to alienate your guests.


Changing the colour of visited links using a hover effect can help solve one of the most frustrating issues in web design. Keep in mind that if a visitor is feeling disoriented or confused on your site, they will likely return to the homepage, thus it’s important that the logos are not emphasised there.

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