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People are spending more and more time than ever before on their mobile devices. We are more inclined to increase our gadget usage when the sophistication of our devices increases the amount of tasks we can perform on the go. In addition, people are spending more time using smartphone apps. A recent analysis by eMarketer found that the average American adult spends 2 hours and 41 minutes per day using mobile apps. In 2017, we reached a new high in the amount of time we spent utilising mobile applications. This data suggests that mobile apps are here to stay, even if most of that time is spent in apps that provide basic functionality (such navigation, social networks, and music streaming services). Building an app with real, tangible benefits for consumers is the key.

It is undeniably competitive, with over two million apps listed across the App Store and Google Play. It’s a tough market for businesses that are thinking about creating their own mobile app. Your app’s success hinges on a number of things, but knowing which core features your target audience finds most valuable is a good place to begin. In this article, I’ll go through five key features your mobile app must have to be successful.

1. A Rich Experience

To create a popular mobile app that customers will regularly use, you must provide content that can’t be found in any other app. Some companies rush into creating mobile apps because they believe they must keep up with the Joneses. It’s easy to duplicate the mobile web browsing experience in an app if you’re not thinking about why your users need one. If your software is similar to others already available online, users will have little motivation to download it. It’s a quick method to squander money and materials.

A mobile app’s primary goal should be to benefit its audience in some way. If you want your mobile app to be successful enough to justify the cost of developing and maintaining it, it needs to provide some sort of utility, whether that’s entertainment value, a solution to a problem that doesn’t or can’t exist on other web properties, or improved efficiency for tasks that are performed frequently.

2. Intuitive and Easy Navigation

In relation to the aforementioned, the most common cause for uninstalling a mobile app is that the user never really opens it (eMarketer). Though regular usage doesn’t guarantee your programme will be secure from removal even if people are enjoying it. Only one in seven smartphone users hasn’t uninstalled an app due to its complexity (eMarketer). Your clients want nothing less than a seamless mobile app experience, complete with simple controls and a streamlined interface.

So, what does it take to make a mobile app user-friendly? Reducing the number of steps a user must take to complete a task is a major boon to smartphone usability. Without a mouse and keyboard, it’s far more difficult to make selections and input data on a mobile device. Bear in mind that scrolling is more popular on mobile than clicking, and design your app accordingly. Without sacrificing usefulness, your mobile app should be designed to require as few user actions as possible.

Netflix is the best when it comes to user friendliness. The mobile software for watching streaming videos is well tailored to the user’s smartphone or tablet, and it’s clear what to tap and where to tap it to navigate through the various options.

3. Seamless Checkout

The checkout process is the single most frustrating part of shopping online. Although it is preferable to have as few fields as possible, it is difficult to have zero fields at all, and this is especially true during the checkout process. The trick is to limit the amount of fields to those truly necessary and to only request information from users when absolutely necessary. What’s the point of having two places to enter a customer’s name, for instance? Another option is to merge the First Name and Last Name fields into one. Keep an eye out for fields where you can automatically fill in data, such as City and State after entering a zip code. It’s the little things like this that end up saving time and making life easier for the user. Make sure that fields and buttons in your mobile app can be readily selected with the thumb and finger (as opposed to a mouse).

The convenience of a mobile app lies in the fact that it can store a user’s details in advance of their next purchase. Make it possible for customers to save their preferred payment and shipping information before their next purchase.

For a flawless checkout experience, go no farther than Seamless, an online meal delivery service. Existing clients can complete a transaction with minimal effort because to the fact that their details are already preserved.

4. Personalized Experiences

Personalization is becoming increasingly crucial in digital marketing, and mobile apps are no exception. According to a survey conducted by eMarketer, the future of mobile devices will consist mostly of enhanced individualization in relation to apps and the mobile web. Putting personalisation at the core of your strategy is essential if you want to stand out in the competitive mobile app market.

Personalization can be performed by taking into account the user’s demographic information, their in-app actions, or even their physical location. After some time has passed, a store’s app can tailor its offerings to the user depending on their preferences and previous actions. By default, a news app might show stories that are relevant to a user’s location. These are just a few instances of customising your app for each individual user, which should increase their satisfaction with the experience and loyalty to your business.

Spotify made music listening more enjoyable for its users by creating individualised playlists that catered to their tastes and preferences rather than relying on predefined categories or emotional states. From the user’s point of view, this is a fantastic addition because it gives the impression that the audio is being played only for them.

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