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When building and marketing an app, there are several components that come into play that impact the way the app behaves, resonates with customers and generates better traction. But none of these would work unless you’ve tried and tested them.

1. Landing page

One of the key components in marketing your app is through its landing page on the web. A landing page can greatly impact the downloads of your app. You would typically create a landing page for two reasons: to direct web visitors to your app on the app store and to capture the email addresses of the users so you can keep them engaged.


2. Marketing channels

Focus all your energies on one or two channels that work best for your app. Chances are, you will always have one channel or platform that will have the biggest lead. You can use the second channel or platform to supplement your overall marketing efforts.

3. Monetization models

The most popular monetization model across app stores and platforms is the freemium model, where you offer the app for free and then convert free users to paid through in-app purchases. While this is certainly popular, there are many apps that generate consistent revenues with the paid model, where the user is required to pay to download the app.

4. Feedback

There are two types of feedback that you will receive for your mobile app. One is direct from the customer by means of an email, social share or app store review and the other is indirect by studying the behavior of your customer in using your app.

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